Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Presentation best practices

Yesterday we kicked off the first meeting of the presentation best practices course (to be held monthly on the last Tuesday of ever month here at the IBM SWG Littleton Campus).

Presentation best practices course: This course would be a hands on where we would try and teach presentation (and in particular technical presentation) best practices. It would be different from the formal presentation course in that this course would be more of a discussion of current best practices and style along with some demonstrations and the chance for participants to present and try out different styles and techniques in a sandbox. In particular this would again hopefully target the more junior technical people starting out on their technical career to try and guide them in terms of presentation content and style.

The two books that will be referenced during the talking are:

Here is the presentation that I gave:

Further reading on some of the topics we covered yesterday can be found here

The following material are also relevant
Also links that came out of the presentations

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